

Step 1
First we take to hands  a piece of plasticard. Than we must decide where to cut it to give it a look of an old, damaged wall. 

Step 2
In another step we make holes, scratches etc. with use of scisors or x-acto knife to give damaged look.

Step 3
We glue “damaged” plasticard on new sheet
Step 4
Now let’s cut a bit newly glued plasticard leaving some free space on edges to sculpt there bricks in a later stage.
Step 5
Prepare your favorite sculpting mass. It can be Magic Sculpt, Milliput, Green Stuff etc.
Step 6
Fill surfaces with sculpting mass and sculpt bricks. In the final stage take x-acto knife or drills and make some holes after bullets.
That’s all. Nice and easy way to make damaged walls.